
The Dragon Masters

The Dragon MastersThe Dragon Masters by Jack Vance
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Cold War tale of human freedom facing up against an alien civilisation that turns humans into mindless slaves, except that the humans turn out to be just as bad. In the struggle between liberty and authority all opportunities must be exploited. A pivotal role is played by the apathetic, hippie-like sacerdotes, whose ideology is a milder reflection of the antagonists, and who await the great powers to destroy themselves so they can instigate a milder civilisation. Vance might be taking aim at the pacifists of his own day, who were unwilling to apply themselves to the struggle of overcoming communism.

This is wildly inventive fantasy that nonetheless reflects the concerns and prejudices of the time in which it was written. None more so than in the depiction of women, who are sidelined to be mothers and objects of male gratification.

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